Lift More to Lose More

A Strength & Fat loss

transformation program

In 12 weeks, I show women how to gain strength & lose up to 25 lbs - for good - so that they feel comfortable in their own skin & rock every outfit with confidence. 

In order to do this, 3 simple things are vital… 

Calorie deficit + high protein

Strength training 



It works because...

it’s a simple approach that combines a non-restrictive diet, exercises you can fit into your current lifestyle & coaching to provide you with tools, habits & mindset shifts to turn this into a lifestyle you enjoy.


In other words, it’s achievable & sustainable!

Apply Now!

What Vanessa has to say...

As a client of this 12-week program, I can honestly say that it's simple, easy to follow, and works! I did Shannon's program virtually from May - October 2021 and I fell below my pre-pregnancy weight which is huge for me. As she said, it is a lifestyle change and once you start it- if you fall off - it's so easy to get back on it. I am now a loyal member of her gym because her workouts are quick, efficient, and fun! I can not say enough good things and will always be an enthusiastic reference for her as a coach. She's simply the best! - Vanessa, Coaching program graduate and current gym client

How it works...


Over the course of 12 weeks, you’ll have weekly group coaching sessions with me to guide you through this process & make sure you stay on track.


In between sessions, you’ll receive weekly video modules, get supplemental tools, resources, tips, and exercises to accelerate the work, including live & recorded workouts, my app, and content in our private group.


The modules serve as our “roadmap” and help us stay focused and on track with the program


The entire program is structured week-by-week on a coaching platform, so you never feel lost as we work together.


And your progress is measured in many ways (weight, pictures, measurements as well as progress in the gym & with your daily habits)


My coaching program also has a strong community component: you’ll be connected with fellow women through my private online group who will support you all along the way


I'm Ready!

Hear about how Laura finally found an approach & routine she could stick to (and lost 35 lbs)


What Gen has to say...

As someone who signed up for the 12-week program earlier this year and then transitioned into a monthly membership holder, I can tell you that BOTH the program and memberships are 1000% worth the investment in yourself! ... Thanks to Shannon, I am lifting heavier than I ever have and finally seeing the gains and strength that I’ve always wanted. Thank you Shannon for being such a badass motivating coach! ❤️ - Gen, coaching program graduate & current gym client

Here's How My Program is Different: 

  • No supplements, nothing else to buy
  • No set meal plans 
  • You don’t have to cut any foods out
  • You don’t have to be 100% compliant
  • This is not an all-or-nothing program
  • This is about figuring out what works best for you (ie what you can stick to long term) so that you have sustainable results
  • Focus is on consistency over time, not perfection for a short amount of time

Hear how Kori went from exercise hater to exercise lover (and lost 25lbs in the process!)


Here's What You’ll Get:

  • My fat loss formula so that you’ll know exactly what to do and how to lose that unwanted fat
  • Community support in my private group so that you are never alone throughout the process
  • New Weekly Content in the membership site to guide you through the program
  • Weekly live coaching calls with me so that you get all your questions answered, check in with me & make sure you are on track with the program
  • A full 12-week plan of quick, fat-burning workouts to follow, so that you are never confused about how to work out most effectively 
  • Access to my app so that you can easily track your workouts, progress & take them with you wherever you go
Apply Now!


My own

12-week transformation 

What Nivedita has to say...

I joined Shannon's 12-week program in Spring 2021 wanting to shed some pandemic pounds and to get into a regular exercise habit. I thought paying for a program would make me show up consistently, hopefully I would lose some weight and that would be that.
What I did not expect was how much I would learn about myself, about exercise and weight loss and how empowered, supported and challenged I would feel every single day. Shannon Dechaine's coaching style is not a bunch of "no"s and "can't"s. She gives you all the tools and information you need and then *you* make the choices that work for you at the pace that works for you so that you make sustainable life style and attitude changes.
Shannon  has built a beautiful community of strong, wise, supportive women and that has been the greatest gift. We cheer each other on and shine a bright light on each other's successes. We learn from each other and work our way through real and imagined challenges to find solutions.
After I finished the 12-week program, I have continued with a monthly online membership because I find so much value in it. I am still getting stronger, still building muscle and losing body fat and definitely loving being part of the GymClass tribe. If you can, I would highly encourage you to go the in-person route because the energy and push from being in-person is so good! But for me, the flexibility of the online route makes it all possible. Shannon is super-responsive to and encouraging of questions/comments - whether one-on-one or in the Facebook group.
- Nivedita, Coaching program graduate and current online client