Stop Playing Small: Embrace Your Full Potential This Year!

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2024

What if you could do anything?

Happy New Year!

As we embark on a new year, it's time to confront a common habit that’s been holding us back: playing small. Yes, that's right. Often, we find ourselves settling for less than we deserve, not chasing our dreams, and thereby, unknowingly, depriving the world of our unique gifts and potential.

But, guess what? 2024 is the year this changes. It's time to dream big, step out of our comfort zones, and pursue what truly makes our hearts sing. And the best part? We can do it in a way that's healthy, strategic, and absolutely fun!

Let’s dive into the process:

First Step: Define Your Goal

What is it that you’ve been longing to achieve? Whether it's a goal for this year or a vision for the next few years, it's essential to pinpoint it. Reflect on what brings meaning, purpose, and fulfillment to your life. Grab a notebook and at the top of the page, write: “What if I ____?” Fill in that blank with your aspiration.

Second Step: Get Tactical with Lists

Now, let's break it down with some practical steps:

List 1: Write down every fear related to your goal. Don’t shy away from even the seemingly silly ones.

List 2: How can you minimize these fears? Could it involve learning a new skill, building a support network, or setting specific boundaries? Plan it all out.

List 3: Prepare for the unexpected. What will you do if things veer off course? Think about people to connect with or alternative strategies you can adopt.

The Takeaway

Remember, fears are just that – fears. By confronting them, they lose their power.

This year, let's leap out of our comfort zones into a life that's larger, bolder, and more beautiful!

And hey, if living your best life is on your goal list, our program Lift More to Lose More is your gateway. We offer you a comprehensive plan to transform your habits, backed by extra accountability and support from peers or experienced trainers. Don’t miss out – doors close January 5th!

Click here to apply:

Here's to a year of grand steps and transformations!

You're alive my powerful friend, make it count!



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