Right now you're dreaming of getting stronger and leaner but everything you've been trying isn't working. Do you ever feel like...
✔️ You've heard about all the benefits of strength training & how amazing it is, but aren't really sure if you can do it.
✔️ You've been fit in the past but you've fallen out of those habits. Now none of the things you did in past are working and you're not sure what to do now that you're older Â
✔️ You don't know how to go from sitting at your desk all day to strength training. Maybe you're concerned about getting injured, about doing it wrong. It just feels kind of scary and unknown. You wish someone would just tell you want to do
✔️ You're not in shape at all and feel like a complete beginner. Maybe you have a lot of weight to lose and you feel like you should probably get into better shape before you dive into strength training or working with someone.
✔️ You don't know where to get started. You’ve done some research and looked at some programs or trainers but haven’t really committed to anything. And so then you’re just kind of frozen and not doing anything about it.
After going through breast cancer, I wanted to lose weight & get stronger but didn't know where to start.
After going through a year of chemotherapy, radiation & surgery - not to mention an imploding marriage, I found myself in a really tough spot. My confidence? Gone. Mental strength? Out the window.
I had gained 30 pounds and felt completely uncomfortable in my own skin. Simple things, like playing with my kids or taking long walks were challenging. I just wasn’t the person I used to be.
I knew I had to make a change. I needed to rebuild my strength—both mentally and physically. So, I decided to approach things differently.
And you know what? When I focused on foundational habits, the weight finally started to come off. All those other methods I tried before didn’t work, but this did.
It wasn’t about chasing the perfect body. It was about feeling strong, confident, and capable again. And that made all the difference.

Let's look into the future. It's three months from now...
You finally decide to go shopping for new jeans and you like what you see in the changing room mirror. You end up with multiple options that you feel confident in - so different to how things felt before.
You wake up on a monday morning before your alarm clock and reach to hit that snooze button. But then you realize that you actually feel refreshed and ready to take on the day.
You board a plane with your family, on your way to a much-need vacation and discover, with delight, that you are able to lift your carry-on into the overhead bin with ease.
You're out to dinner with your girlfriends and someone suggests a group photo. You find yourself happily smiling for the camera instead of instinctively hiding part of your body behind a friend.
You are just one decision away from starting a journey towards the new and improved you... The best version of you... The version of you that your family deserves... but more than that, the version of you that YOU deserve!

"The unique special sauce is the mindset shift that I have now that I am a member of this special community. The women not only build one another up but Shannon personally ensures that each person shifts their mindset from "I can't do that" to "look how much I can do!" This has been incredibly powerful for me both inside and outside the gym and I have never felt more confident in both what my body can accomplish and what I can attain as a working mom juggling young kids."
Check out what is included in Lift to Lose

Stefanie R.
"Let me tell you that Shannon provides the tools, the tough love, the kindness and compassion we all need! I invested in me! And it’s the absolute best gift I could give myself…my health…my life!

You Do This
 Participate in weekly coaching, do the workouts & eat the food!
I Do This
 Provide weekly training, coaching & support so that you are never alone on your journey.
We Do This
 Develop your unique plan to sustainably lose fat, gain muscle & uncover your best self.

â‹™ Take control of your health, fitness... and happiness
⋙ Learn to love your body AS IT IS while improving it
â‹™ Take care of yourself the way that you take care of your family
â‹™ Keep your promises to yourself, like you do to others
â‹™ Make yourself a priority in your life
⋙ Give up the diet struggle
â‹™ Stop punishing yourself for being human
⋙ Figure out a healthy lifestyle that you actually enjoy!
How do I know if I'm ready?
This is for you if...
âś“Â You're over 40 and want to get feel as good as you did in your 20's & 30's.
✓ You want to start strength training but all the advice you hear is confusing and overwhelming.
✓ You need accountability so that you can follow through on your commitment to yourself.
âś“Â You're sick of spending hours on Facebook or Instagram watching 20 year old fitness influencers give unscientific advice.
âś“Â You want personal training, coaching and support from someone who's been in your shoes.
This is not for you if...
 ✕ You are in your 20’s (this is specifically for women over 40)
 ✕ You have a serious injury that would prevent you from exercising
 ✕ You only want to do cardio and aren’t interested in strength training
 ✕ You're not interested in cleaning up your diet
But wait there's more...

- Recipe database with over 120 healthy recipes, shopping lists, etc ($300 value)
- Exercise library with over 450 different on-demand workout videos ($250 value)
- My app so that you can take your workouts with you anywhere ($50 value)
- Private Community of women are also going through the program & are ready to support your journey - Priceless!
Are you ready to get started on this 12 week journey to becoming your strongest, leanest self after 40? Let’s get started below
Total Value $3900
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to follow the nutrition and workout plan 100% to get results?
Am I going to need to buy any special equipment, supplements or special food to do the program?
I haven't exercised in years... is this going to be too much for me?
I love pizza & wine! Do I have to give them up?
Do I have to share my pictures with the group?
Do I have to follow a meal plan? What if I don't like it?
What If I can't workout everyday?
Are there extra costs once I start the program?

Nicole F.
"I am celebrating muscle definition, feeling stronger, lifting 3-4x at the gym, adding in mountain biking 2-3x a week, steps averaging at 8,000 [a day] and making intuitive food choices that are high protein!”
Still not sure? Book a call with me!
I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your health is an important one! And every woman who trusts me with her health & fitness journey is equally as important to me. That’s why I’m happy to jump on a call with you & walk you through my process. If joining the program feels like a HELL YES to you… great! If not, you’ll leave with more clarity about what you need to do. Either way… you win!
Book a Call!